Call for Submissions 2026
Art Gallery of St Albert 19 Perron St, St. Albert, Alberta T8N 1E5

“Art Gallery of St. Albert,” 2024
(courtesy of the Gallery)
The Art Gallery of St. Albert (part of the Arts and Heritage Foundation of St. Albert) is looking for artists to feature in the 2026 exhibition year. Artists, artist groups and curators of all artistic and cultural backgrounds working in all styles and mediums are welcome to propose an exhibition by sending in a submission by February 28, 2025.
The Art Gallery of St. Albert is a contemporary, non-profit, public art gallery. With three exhibition spaces, between twelve and fourteen shows can be hosted there per year, sharing a wide range of artworks, styles and experiences with our community.
Submitting artists will be asked to provide a selection of images and image list, an exhibition proposal and an artist introduction/biography or CV. Please see the submission application web page for more details. If you have any questions, or any part of the submission process presents a barrier for you, please contact Emily Baker, the Gallery Curator ( She is happy to work with artists individually to ensure that the submission process is accessible.
Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of visual art professionals from across the region, who represent a range of expertise within visual arts. All applicants will be contacted by the end of May 2025 with their submission results.
The artists chosen to exhibit at the Gallery in 2026 will receive Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes Canadiens (CARFAC) exhibition fees.