Dakobinaawaswaan (Baby in a Cradleboard)
Thunder Bay Art Gallery 1080 Keewatin Street (PO Box 10193), Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 6T7
Thunder Bay Art Gallery, "Dakobinaawaswaan (Baby in a Cradleboard),"2021
Dakobinaawaswaan (Baby in a Cradleboard) gathers more than 100 cradleboards representing Indigenous communities from across North America. In the language of Aninishaabeg peoples, “dakobinaawaswaan” describes a baby being wrapped and placed in a cradleboard, or tikinagaan. This exhibition showcases the strong legacy and beauty of traditional baby carriers —including miniatures, toy cradles and baskets— of the many Indigenous communities across Turtle Island. Through a wide range of imagery, beadwork, and specialized materials the cradleboard is honoured as a vessel of motherhood, cultural traditions, community, and resurgence.
Brought together by Shirley Stevens and the Cradle Keeper Co-operative of Northwestern Ontario, this exhibition is dedicated to the late Freda McDonald, the Elder for this initiative, who encouraged the project from the beginning.
curated by
Caitlyn Bird