"A Space In Time," "Stories Before We Sleep," and "2015 Student Exhibition"
Port Moody Arts Centre Gallery 2425 St Johns St, Port Moody, British Columbia V3H 2B2
You're Invited!
Opening Reception: Thursday June 25, 2015 6-8pm
Artists in attendance | free admission | refreshments served
A Space in Time features four standout artists from the VCON 39 Art Show, steampunk jewelry designer Carolyn Bruce, Jeff Burnette, known for his blown glass ray guns, fantasy illustrator Melissa Mary Duncan, and painter Hing Kei.
Stories Before We Sleep features Flavia Chan, the winner of the 2014 Kwi Am Choi Scholarship. Since childhood Flavia's imagination was fueled by pages from children's books that continue to influence her style. Her 2D and 3D illustrations are heavily character driven, filled with intricate patterning and accompanied by melancholy stories that aren't evident or easily told.
Each year Port Moody Arts Centre holds more than 300 art classes for students to enhance their skills, learn about a variety of artistic mediums and best of all, have fun creating. Prepare to be delighted by this multi-media showcase of artwork by our students. From kindergarten to seniors, they have submitted their favourite classroom piece for this biennial exhibition.