Larissa Blokhuis: Future Forms
Place des Arts 1120 Brunette Ave, Coquitlam, British Columbia V3K 1G2
Larissa Blokhuis, "Messenger," nd
mixed media
Opening Reception: Friday, April 28, 7pm - 9pm
Future Forms, felt & metal sculpture by Larissa Blokhuis
Though humanity has lived alongside plants and animals for most of its existence as a species, the path of modern development is leading us away from seeing ourselves as part of the natural world. This false division grows when our thoughts and actions do not honour our relationships to other life forms. As such, we are negatively impacting our planet and climate ever more rapidly. Seeing ourselves as part of the natural world helps us make positive, sustainable decisions in light of the changes we are seeing.
Larissa Blokhuis’ exhibition Future Forms is an imagining of what the world will look like if it becomes as hot as it has been in the pre-historic past. Using blown glass, metal and felting techniques, Blokhuis places us in the future with imaginary yet-to-evolve species. Taking inspiration from studies of ancient plant life, Blokhuis employs pattern, repetition and contrast to visualize larger versions of life forms that would be tiny in today's ecosystem. Through this, the exhibition highlights how our choice to value and protect nature today will allow us to see what strange and beautiful life-forms arise in our future.