Mitchell Fenton | THE WINTER SPORT
Gibson Fine Art Ltd 523 Cleveland Crescent SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 4A9
Mitchell Fenton, “Archie,” no date
oil on canvas, 40 x 32 in (courtesy of the Gallery)
Mitchell Fenton’s - "The Vintage Trailer Show" 2020 and "Get Out of Town" 2016 - newest painting exhibition, The Winter Sport, takes us back to the slopes with a feel-good look at why we do the things that we do.
In this selection of diptychs, Fenton pairs images of vintage skiers performing modern stunts with an audience looking skyward.
At the beginning, it seems to be all about the guys trying to catch the eye of the gal with the sunglasses on. Hang on…
Special thanks to the Ski Patrol.