Allison Morgan at DaDe Art and Design Lab - March 8 to April 20, 2014
Allison Morgan, "Efflorescene," 2013, oil on board, 48” x 48”.
Allison Morgan’s paintings explore processes of decay and disintegration. Subjects are transformed by some change to their bodies or a breakdown of the norm. “The mushroom infers decay, as it grows on or from its host, as do the presence of insects or scavengers, all of which are participants in the paintings,” she says. For instance, Efflorescence, whose title carries dual meanings suggesting both growth and a rupture of the skin, depicts a troubled child in a tangled forest.
March 8 to April 20, 2014 at DaDe Art and Design Lab in Calgary.
Dade Loft
104-1212 13 Street SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 5R3
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Thurs to Sat 11 am - 6 pm or by appointment