DANIEL DAVID, "Australopithecus afarensis Takes One Small Step," July 7-29, 2006, The Annex, Winnipeg
"The Standard Model"
Daniel David, "The Standard Model," 2004, oil on canvas, 644" x 47".
DANIEL DAVID, Australopithecus afarensis Takes One Small Step
The Annex, Winnipeg
July 7-29, 2006
By Terra Pohl
Portraying contemporary subject matter with a classical twist, Manitoban Daniel David’s thought-provoking, post-modern paintings reflect the complex and subtle nature of human interaction. Of his neo-classical styling, he says: “It is reminiscent of the past, but this is not archeology.” David acknowledges the often harsh honesty of his work. “It can be an unsettling experience to confront yourself naked in the mirror one day. I think what I do is not anything other than that.” In his July show at The Annex in Winnipeg, David continues what has at times been a controversial examination of contemporary and personal issues. Characters in a rich, still-life setting blur the line between organic and inorganic, challenging our evolving definition of humanity. Enormous steaks and roast chickens posit the large emotional impact of food as a source of both physical and psychological nourishment. David’s allusions to genetics, consumerism and environmental issues begin with a consideration of the human psyche. From here he continues to unravel the mysteries and confusions of being human.
Represented by: The Glass Garage Fine Art Gallery, West Hollywood, CA; shows at Douglas Udell Gallery, Vancouver, BC.