Peter Aspell: Jan. 13 to March 26 at the West Vancouver Museum and Jan. 23 to April 3 at the Richmond Art Gallery
Peter Aspell, "The Mad Perfumer", 2002, oil on paper, 14” x 16” Peter Aspell Estate, Courtesy Joy Aspell
Peter Aspell, "The Mad Perfumer", 2002, oil on paper, 14” x 16” Peter Aspell Estate, Courtesy Joy Aspell
Peter Aspell was among a core group of influential artists who challenged conventions in post-war Vancouver. Unlike many of his contemporaries, who were involved in nature-based abstraction, Aspell chose the figure as his main subject. A strong colourist, he honed a distinct palette using oil paint applied with knives and brushes that he then scraped and scratched with sticks. His vocabulary included flaming vessels, floating figures, Egyptian motifs and African masks. Aspell, who died in 2004, had exhibitions in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Paris.
Peter Aspell: Jan. 13 to March 26 at the West Vancouver Museum and Jan. 23 to April 3 at the Richmond Art Gallery
West Vancouver Art Museum
680 17 Street, West Vancouver, British Columbia V7V 3T2
Tues to Sat 11 am - 5 pm