Exposure, a festival that celebrates the art of photography, is taking a bold new direction today by expanding its reach embracing an even wider geographical area and, more importantly, providing greater opportunities for photographers and lovers of photography across Alberta to become involved in a visual arts festival of the highest calibre.
“As the Chair of the Festival I am pleased to announce that Exposure 2015 will be a province-wide photography festival,” said Peter Duthie. “Now galleries and independent photographers from across Alberta will be able to participate in a month-long photography Festival this February.
Adding, “During the previous decade Exposure has proven itself to be one of the premiere visual arts events in Canada by attracting diverse photographic expression from Alberta and other parts of Canada and the world and showcasing it through collaborative exhibitions and special events."
In Its first 10 years, Exposure programming was focused on the communities of Calgary, Banff and Canmore.
Exposure will continue to operate throughout the month of February with submissions now being sought from Alberta-based artists and gallerists. Exhibitions and events will be featured in a professionally published guide and on the festival’s website. Exposure also hosts photography related presentations and workshops during the month of February.
Internationally recognized photographer Larry Louie is an example of an artist who now has the opportunity to participate in Exposure. Based in Edmonton, Louie will present an exhibition of his sumptuous black & white works capturing the daily life and struggles of people in the developing world. Another Edmonton venue already booked for Exposure 2015 is Harcourt House featuring the photographic works of award-winning artist Alexis Marie Chute.
“Exposure is truly is a celebration of photography in all its forms,” said Duthie. “Tens of thousands of people each February have participated in Exposure and now all four million Albertans are invited.”
For more information go to expsourephotofestival.com, or contact Festival manager Wes Lafortune at T. 403-919-2502 or email at: exposurefotofest@gmail.com.
Report courtesy of Exposure.