Deryk's Bio
Canadian/Scottish artist, Deryk Houston resides in Victoria, B.C., Canada, and has exhibited internationally. He has mounted one man exhibitions in Canada, the USA, Scotland, Iraq, and the former Soviet Union.
His work was featured in the documentary film “From Baghdad to Peace Country” by the National Film Board of Canada.
He has completed ground art, earthen works in Iraq, Canada and Scotland, in support of children’s rights.
Professional Achievements
-2013 -work started on New Peace Sanctuary Sculpture Park, Victoria BC
-Winter 2012-2013 Sculpture exhibit at Two River Gallery (Public) Prince George BC
-Spring 2012 – One man exhibition at Nanaimo public Art Gallery
- July-Sept 2011 – Exhibition at Chemainus Theatre
-May 2011 – Installation of sculpture project for the city of Nanaimo
-Sept 2010 – invited to Baghdad, Iraq, for an international art symposium, by the director of the Baghdad National Art Gallery
-March 2010 – One man exhibition at Canada House Gallery, Banff, Alberta
-2009 – (Nov.) One man exhibition Collective Works Gallery Victoria. “fallen soldiers in Afghanistan)
-2009 – (Aug.) One Man exhibition Scotland (Gracefield public Art gallery) “Ties that Bind”
-2009 – Group show (Muskwa Kechika) Dawson Creek public Gallery
-2009 – installation peace art project in Beacon Hill park Victoria
- 2008 – One man exhibition, Collective Works Gallery Victoria BC
-2007 – invited to speak and present film “From Baghdad to Peace Country” at MIT university USA
-2007 -invited to present workshop at conference of the arts in Baddeck NS
-2007- Fighterjet/mousetrap sculpture accepted into the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa
- 2007 – Invited by the Iraqi Minister to exhibit at the Baghdad Art Center, Iraq.
- 2006 – Victoria International Art Symposium – Guest Speaker
- 2006 – Exhibition at Canada House Gallery, Banff
- 2005 – Exhibition at Artworks Gallery Vancouver
- March 2004 – One man exhibition at Canada House Gallery in Banff, Alberta
- February 2003 -National Film Board of Canada , world premier of “Baghdad to Peace Country”. A documentary on Deryk’s Peace Sanctuary in British Columbia, Canada
- December 2002 -Set design for “Eight Songs for a Mad King”, (Vancouver east cultural center)
- October 2002 -Invited back to Iraq to supervise the construction of Deryk’s 24foot tall bronze sculpture designed to sit in the center of his peace sanctuary.
- Sept 2002 -one man exhibition at artworks in Vancouver, BC.
- May 2002 -one man exhibition, Paintings from children’s book, “Echoes from the Square”, at the International Institute of Boston.
- April 2002 – Invited to Iraq by the Iraqi minister of culture for an international art exhibit, “Art for Mankind”
- April 2002 – permanent “Peace Sanctuary” ground art project constructed in North Eastern BC near Hudson’s Hope, BC Canada, in support of children and the people of Iraq.
- March 16, 2002 -one man exhibition, Canada House Gallery, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
- February 2002 -invited to participate in Bahrain Peace Project, (Bahrain, middle east))
- Aug 2001 -one man exhibition, Castle Douglas Public Art Gallery, Scotland (Stewartry Museum)
- Aug 2001 -one man exhibition, Castle Douglas Public Art Gallery, Scotland (Stewartry Museum)
- July 2001 -field art in Scotland (Twenty acre field) in support of the children and people of Iraq
- July 2001 -field art in Scotland (Twenty acre field)
- March 2001 -Art Expo in New York, USA
- March 2001 -Art Expo in New York, USA
- January 2001 -artwork donated in support of statue project for Sarajevo (The Cello cries on.)
- January 2001 -Bomb shelter art piece installed in permanent collection/Baghdad Arts Center, Iraq
- December 2000 – holiday greeting card “Warm invitation” for the BC Children’s Hospital
- Nov. 2000 -one man show Banff, Canada
- June 2000 – sanctions painting installed in permanent collection/Baghdad Arts Center, IRAQ.
- June 2000 -Mother and Child art project in large hay field near Victoria, BC
- Aug.9th 2000 -set design for Curlew River (an English opera by Benjamin Britten) Vancouver, B.C. Canada
- May 2000 -One man Exhibition and presentation at Kelowna Public Art Gallery
- Winter 1999 – Holiday Greeting card – Sleighride, for B.C.Children’s Hospital
- September 1999 – Group Show, Banff Alberta (Marika Gallery)
- April 1999 – Ground drawing of child completed in Baghdad, Iraq
- Winter 1998 Holiday Greeting card – The Nutcracker, for B.C.Children’s Hospital
- July /Aug.1998 -painting , “Callous acceptance” exhibited as part of “Fast for life” demonstration outside the US Mission – to the United Nations building in New York
- July 1998 – painting , “Callous acceptance” on display at National Fellowship of reconciliation conference, Indiana, USA.
- 1998 Included in the Canadian Who’s Who.
- June 1998 – One man art show in Banff, Alberta (Marika Gallery)
- Sept 1998 – Children’s book by Elizabeth Wellburn. Title: “Echoes From The Square” Deryk’s paintings used for the book.
- January 1997 – Included in 1997 “Canadian Who’s who.”
- Winter 1997 Holiday Greeting card – The Three Robins, for B.C.Children’s Hospital
- Winter 1996 Holiday Greeting card – Santa, for B.C.Children’s Hospital
- November 1996 – One man show, Artworks, Vancouver, B.C.
- June 1996 – Group show, Artworks, Vancouver, B.C. – January 1996 – Children’s book “Emily’s Window” contract signed. Deryk’s paintings will be used for the book.
- January, 1996- Included in 1996 “Canadian Who’s Who” – Winter 1995 Holiday Greeting card – Winter Memories, for B.C.Children’s Hospital
- December, 1995 – Painting appeared on back cover of Readers’ Digest Magazine (Canadian Edition)
- October, 1995 – Painted at “Fall Fling” auction (fundraising event for the Victoria Symphony)
- August, 1995 – Set Design for “Inspector Sly’s Second-to-last Case”, Vancouver, B.C.
- June, 1995 – One man show, Sooke, B.C.
- August, 1994 – One man show, Winchester Gallery, Victoria, B.C.
- May, 1994 – One man show, Artworks, Vancouver, B.C.
- June, 1993 – Look 93 art show toured B.C., Winner (Canada Council)
- November, 1992 – One man show, Vancouver, Art Gallery, B.C. (Rental Program)
- November, 1992 – One man show, Gabriel Gallery Vancouver, B.C.
- November, 1991 – One man show, Gabriel Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
- November, 1991 – Three person show, Ariel Gallery, New York, USA
- November, 1990 – One man show, The Bridge Street Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
- August, 1990 – Group show, Newark Museum, Newark, N.J.
- December, 1989 – Group show, Chateau Whistler , Whistler, B.C.
- October, 1989 – One man show, The Art Emporium, Vancouver, B.C.
- December,1988 – One man show, Inge’s Hole in the Wall Gallery, Whistler, B.C.
- October, 1988 – One man show, Art Emporium ,Vancouver, B.C.
- August, 1988 – One man exhibition, Odessa, U.S.S.R.
- December, 1987 – One man show, Inge’s Hole in the Wall Gallery, Whistler, B.C.
- October, 1987 – One man show, Art Emporium,Vancouver, B.C.
- October, 1986 – One man show, Art Emporium, Vancouver, B.C.
- October, 1986 – One man show, Inge’s Hole in the wall Gallery, Whistler, B.C.
- July, 1986 – Book illustration for Douglas and McIntyre (Exploring Canada)
- December, 1985 – Lasting Impression Series, completed for Air Canada.
- November, 1985 – Set Design for “Dying Echoes” Richmond Gateway Theater
- October, 1985 – One man show , Krieger Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
- September, 1985 – One man show, Peters Gallery, Kamloops, B.C.
- July, 1985 – Group show, Leafhill Gallery, Victoria, B.C.
- June,1985 – One man show, Krieger Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
- March, 1985 – One man show, Inge’s Hole in the Wall Gallery, Whistler, B.C.
- December, 1984 – One man show, Krieger Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
- October, 1983 – Set Design for ” Life is a Dream” Kits Theater
- March 8th 1984 – Set Design for ” Protest ” and “Permit” Kits Theater.
- March, 1983 – One man show, Dollards Restaurant, Vancouver, B.C.
- April, 1980 – Set Design for “Paper Flowers” Kits Theater.
- May, 1979 – Total restoration of a 1940 Packard automobile to showroom condition with the big help of my brother Jackie and cousin James White
Television and Radio Interviews
- Feb 2003 Global television (National)
- Feb 2003 CBC Radio (National)
- Dec.2002 CBC radio
- Oct 2002 BBC Radio (Breat Britain)
- Sept 2002 New VI television
- July 2000 CBC television, (feature story on my ground/sanctions on Iraq
- Jan 1999 BBC radio, London England
- Jan 1999 Shanti RTV programme, Global Eye. London England. hosted/presented by Parveez Syed.
- Dec 1998 CBC Radio
- May 1997 CKNW Radio
- May 1997 BBC World News Service (Radio 5), London England
- April 1997 CBC Radio-as it happens
- April 1997 CBC National News
- April 1997 Check Six News
- May, 1994 B.C.T.V. News
- March 1993 Public Television
- October 1992 B.C.T.V. News
- Sept 1988 B.C.T.V. News
- August 1988 Soviet Television (USSR)
- July 1986 CKVU
- Oct. 1980 Public Television
Paintings that have appeared in the following Films
- The odd couple………………………………….”Sunshine Coast”
- X-files………………………………………………”Sunshine Coast”
- Outer Limits……………………………………..”Moss,wind and trees”
- Poltergeist………………………………………..”Teacup”
- Dads Week Off…………………………………..”Fish and Raindrops”
- Millenium…………………………………………..”Kitsalino” , Teacup”
- Jitters………………………………………………..”Amy”, “Ride at Midnight”
- Viper…………………………………………………..”Samuel”, “Samuel on Rocking Horse”. “Artist Bench”
- Access Denied…………………………………”Reflections”
- Disturbing Behaviour………………………”Reflections”
Newspaper and Magazine Interviews
- Feb 2003 Times Colonist, (Victoria)
- Oct 2002 The Nigerian (Nigeria)
- Oct 2002 Seattle Post intelligencer (USA)
- Oct 2002 The Yomiuri Shimbun (Japanese daily newspaper)
- February 2002 Explore Magazine (ground art Peace Sanctuary project/Sanctions on Iraq)
- July 1998 The Globe and Mail
- September 1998 Quill and Quire
- August 1998 The Times Colonist
- Fall 1998 Monday Magazine
- May 1997 The Guardian Newspaper (Great Britain)
- May 1997 Macleans Magazine
- April 1997 Globe and Mail
- April 1997 Ottawa Citizen
- April 1997 Vancouver Sun
- April 1997 Times Colonist
- Winter,1994 Beautiful B.C. Magazine
- August, 1994 Victoria Boulevard Magazine. Feature article
- May, 1994 Playboard – The arts and Entertainment Magazine
- May, 1994 Where Vancouver
- November, 1992 West Ender newspaper
- April, 1992 Times Columnist (Art for Housing)
- December, 1991 Vancouver Province (GST on artwork)
- March, 1988 Vancouver Province (Denny Boyd)
- October, 1987 Vancouver Province
- Sept, 1986 Equity Magazine (Profiles)